Acesso remoto via Web

    If your question is not addressed below, please contact us through our support form and we'll get back to you shortly.

    Gestão informática

    FAQ Can I connect to my remote computers from a web browser?
    FAQ What operations can I perform using the options under 'Computers'?
    FAQ Podem vários utilizadores ligar-se simultaneamente ao mesmo computador remoto?
    FAQ How do I restart a remote computer while accessing it via the web?
    FAQ Posso partilhar um computador com os meus utilizadores?


    FAQ Is it possible to prevent others from viewing my remote computer screen during a remote session?
    FAQ How do I lock the remote computer?
    FAQ É possível conversar durante uma sessão remota?
    FAQ Posso conversar por vídeo com utilizadores remotos?
    FAQ Can I take a screenshot of the remote computer during the remote session?
    FAQ Can I use the Whiteboard while accessing my computer via the web?
    FAQ How do I prevent others from using mouse or keyboard on the remote computer during a remote session?
    FAQ Can I access multiple monitors while accessing my computer?
    FAQ Can I scale the remote computer's desktop screen to fit within my local computer?
    FAQ Como é que estabeleço uma ligação a um computador remoto, utilizando a minha credencial Windows/Mac/Linux?
    FAQ Can I access 'Task Manager'/'Force Quit' options using Ctrl-Alt-Del on the remote computer?
    FAQ How do I disconnect a remote session?
    FAQ Can I print documents on my remote computer while accessing them via web?
    FAQ Is it possible to transfer files to the remote computer while accessing it via web?
    FAQ Can I transfer files from the remote computer?
    FAQ Can I drag and drop files/folders while accessing my computer via the web?
    FAQ Can I play music or watch videos on the remote computer?
    FAQ I am unable to hear audio from the remote computer. Why?


    FAQ Do I have to install any software to use RemotePC Viewer Lite?
    FAQ How do I restart the remote computer during a remote session via RemotePC Viewer Lite?
    FAQ What do Online, In Session, and Offline signify?
    FAQ Is it possible to view the remote computer on a new browser window instead of a new tab?
    FAQ Will a remote session timeout if inactive?
    FAQ How do I select a time format for RemotePC logs?
    FAQ Can I view remote access logs for my account?
    FAQ Can I schedule log reports?

    Can I connect to my remote computers from a web browser?

    Yes, you can connect to your remote computers from a web browser, via RemotePC Viewer Lite or by downloading the RemotePC app launcher.

    To connect via RemotePC Viewer Lite,

    1. Inicie a sessão no RemotePC através do navegador Web.
    2. Hover over the 'Connect' button corresponding to an online computer and click RemotePC.
    3. Enter the 'Personal Key' (if configured) and click 'Connect'.

    To connect via RemotePC desktop application,

    1. Hover over the 'Connect' button corresponding to an online computer and click RemotePC.
    2. Download and run the RemotePC launcher to initiate a remote session.

    For subsequent remote sessions, simply click RemotePC to establish a connection.

    Podem vários utilizadores ligar-se simultaneamente ao mesmo computador remoto?

    Yes, multiple users can simultaneously access the same remote computer.

    Para ligar a um computador remoto,

    1. Inicie sessão no RemotePC através de um navegador da Web.
    2. The 'Computers' tab will display all the configured computers. The status will read 'In Session' if a computer is being accessed by one or more users.
    3. Hover over 'Connect' and click RemotePC to establish a simultaneous remote connection via RemotePC Viewer Lite.
      Em alternativa, clique em RemotePC to establish a simultaneous remote connection via RemotePC desktop application.
    4. Enter the 'Personal Key' (if configured) and click 'Connect'.

    What operations can I perform using the options under 'Computers'?

    Under 'Computers' in RemotePC web console displays the list of all your configured computers and their status. You can connect to any online computer by providing the personal key (if configured) and also view the remote access/web activity logs of the computer.

    Admin of an Enterprise account can add users, create user/computer groups, access and manage the associated computers by logging into RemotePC via web.

    How do I restart a remote computer while accessing it via the web?

    Para reiniciar um computador remoto,

    1. Log in to RemotePC via web browser and go to 'Computers'.
    2. Hover on the computer you wish to restart and click .
    3. Select 'Restart'.
    4. In the confirmation popup, click 'Ok'.
      To restart the remote computer during the remote session, refer this FAQ.

    Note: For Windows machines, an additional option to 'Restart in safe mode' will also appear. Your computer will go offline briefly, but once the computer becomes ready for remote connection, its status will change to online.

    Posso partilhar um computador com os meus utilizadores?

    Sim, os utilizadores de contas dos planos SOHO e Team podem partilhar um computador configurado com outros utilizadores para acesso remoto.

    Para partilhar um computador, clique em correspondente ao computador pretendido, introduza o endereço de correio eletrónico dos utilizadores do RemotePC pretendidos e clique em "Partilhar".


    The intended recipients will be able to see the computer under the 'Shared with me' group in the 'Computers' tab.


    • Só é possível partilhar um computador com utilizadores da sua conta RemotePC.
    • Users will only be able to access the shared computer remotely. They will not be able to make any modifications in the computer settings.

    To stop sharing a computer for a particular user, click to open the 'Share Computer' popup, and click 'Remove' next to the user.


    To stop sharing the computer for all users, click 'Remove All'.


    Is it possible to prevent others from viewing my remote computer screen during a remote session?

    Yes, the 'Blank Host Screen' feature allows you to make the screen of your computer blank, during a remote session. This prevents others from viewing your activities on the remote computer.

    Para apagar o ecrã do anfitrião,

    1. Inicie a sessão no RemotePC através do navegador Web.
    2. Select the online computer that you want to access and click 'Connect'.
    3. Enter 'Personal Key' (if configured) and click 'Connect'. Remote access to the computer is established.
    4. Clicar RemotePC to expand the menu bar.
    5. Click the computer name -> 'Blank Host screen'.

    How do I lock the remote computer?

    The Lock function allows you to lock the remote computer instantly or after the session ends. This will prevent any unauthorized access to your remote computer.

    Para bloquear,

    1. Inicie a sessão no RemotePC através do navegador Web.
    2. Select the online computer that you want to access and click 'Connect'.
    3. Enter the 'Personal Key' (if configured) and click 'Connect'. Remote access to the computer is established.
    4. Clicar RemotePC to expand the menu bar.
    5. Click the computer name to perform any of the following:

      • Click 'Lock' - > 'Lock Now', to instantly lock the remote computer.
      • Click 'Lock' - > 'Lock on Session End', to lock the remote computer as soon as the remote session ends.

    É possível conversar durante uma sessão remota?

    Yes, you can chat during a remote session, from the RemotePC web interface.

    Para iniciar uma conversa,

    1. Inicie a sessão no RemotePC através do navegador Web.
    2. Select the online computer that you want to access and click 'Connect'.
    3. Enter the 'Personal Key' (if configured) and click 'Connect'. Remote access to the computer is established.
    4. Clicar RemotePC to expand the menu bar.
    5. On clicking RemotePC Chat , the Chat screen appears.
      RemotePC Chat
    6. Enter your text in the 'Type your message' field and click RemotePC Chat.

    Posso conversar por vídeo com utilizadores remotos?

    Sim, é possível conversar por vídeo com utilizadores remotos.

    To begin the video chat without initiating a remote seesion,

    1. Inicie a sessão no RemotePC através do navegador Web.
    2. Hover over the computer you wish to proceed with video chat and click RemotePC.
    3. O ecrã do RemotePC Meeting é iniciado automaticamente. Pela primeira vez, o utilizador e os utilizadores remotos terão de dar permissão para aceder à câmara e ao microfone nos seus computadores.
    4. Quando a autorização for concedida, clique em "Join" (Participar) para iniciar a videochamada.

    To begin the video chat, during a remote session,

    1. Inicie a sessão no RemotePC através do navegador Web.
    2. Select the online computer that you want to access and click 'Connect'.
    3. Enter the 'Personal Key' (if configured) and click 'Connect'. Remote access to the computer is established.
    4. Clicar RemotePC to expand the menu bar
    5. On clicking RemotePC, the RemotePC Meeting screen will automatically launch. For the first time, you and the remote users will need to provide the permission to access the camera and microphone on your computers.
    6. Quando a autorização for concedida, clique em "Join" (Participar) para iniciar a videochamada.

    Saiba como utilizar o RemotePC Meeting.

    Can I take a screenshot of the remote computer during the remote session?

    Yes, to take screenshot,

    1. Log in to RemotePC via web browser and go to 'Computers'.
    2. Hover on the computer you wish to connect and click RemotePC.
    3. Click on RemotePC to take a screenshot.
    4. The screenshot will be downloaded to your local machine. Screenshots will be saved to your default downloads folder. If not, there will be a prompt to save the screenshots in your desired destination.

    You can also find the screenshots in your account. To view saved screenshots,

    1. Log in to RemotePC via web browser and click 'Logs'.
    2. Go to 'Unattended Access Logs' and click RemotePC.
    3. The saved screenshots will be displayed.

    Can I use the Whiteboard while accessing my computer via the web?

    Yes, you can use the Whiteboard to draw on the remote screen and collaborate effectively while accessing your computer via the web.

    1. Inicie a sessão no RemotePC através do navegador Web.
    2. Select the online computer that you want to access and click 'Connect'.
    3. Enter the 'Personal Key' (if configured) and click 'Connect'. Remote access to the computer is established.
    4. Clicar RemotePC to expand the menu bar.
    5. On clicking RemotePC Whiteboard, the Whiteboard panel appears on the screen.

    You can perform the following:

    RemotePC Whiteboard
    • Cursor is selected by default and it allows you to access the remote computer.
    • Pen can be used to draw on the remote screen. You can choose a line width or color of your preference.
    • Eraser is used to clear parts of the drawing on the screen. You can choose a suitable width for the eraser.
    • Capture option lets you save a screenshot on the local computer.
    • Clear option can be selected to clear the entire drawing on the screen.

    How do I prevent others from using mouse or keyboard on the remote computer during a remote session?

    You can use the 'Block Remote Input' feature to prevent anyone from using a mouse or keyboard on the remote computer during a remote session.

    Para bloquear a entrada remota,

    1. Inicie a sessão no RemotePC através do navegador Web.
    2. Select the online computer that you want to access and click 'Connect'.
    3. Enter the 'Personal Key' (if configured) and click 'Connect'. Remote access to the computer is established.
    4. Clicar RemotePC to expand the menu bar.
    5. Click the computer name -> 'Block Remote Input'.

    Can I access multiple monitors while accessing my computer?

    Yes, if your remote computer has more than one monitor, you can access any of them from the RemotePC web interface.

    To switch between multiple monitors,

    1. Inicie a sessão no RemotePC através do navegador Web.
    2. Select the online computer that you want to access and click 'Connect'.
    3. Enter the 'Personal Key' (if configured) and click 'Connect'. Remote access to the computer is established.
    4. Clicar RemotePC to expand the menu bar.
    5. On clicking Settings, you can switch between multiple monitors of the remote computer.

      Em alternativa, clique em Settings and click a monitor name to view that individual monitor.


    Can I scale the remote computer's desktop screen to fit within my local computer?

    By default, the remote desktop screen does not autofit your local computer window.

    To scale the remote computer desktop screen within your local computer,

    1. Inicie a sessão no RemotePC através do navegador Web.
    2. Select the online computer that you want to access and click 'Connect'.
    3. Enter the 'Personal Key' (if configured) and click 'Connect'. Remote access to the computer is established.
    4. Clicar RemotePC to expand the menu bar.
    5. Clicar Settings, mouse hover on 'View' and click 'Scale to fit'.

    This will resize the remote computer desktop screen to fit within the local computer window.

    You can also enter the full-screen mode by clicking top.

    Como é que estabeleço uma ligação a um computador remoto, utilizando a minha credencial Windows/Mac/Linux?

    Para aceder ao seu computador remoto utilizando uma credencial Windows/Mac/Linux,

    1. Inicie a aplicação RemotePC e inicie sessão.
    2. Clique em "Configurar agora!" e configure o seu computador para acesso remoto.
    3. Clicar Settings apresentado no canto superior direito.
    4. Under 'General Preferences', select 'Allow windows Login'.

    Durante a ligação ao computador remoto, ser-lhe-á pedido que introduza as suas credenciais Windows/Mac/Linux para iniciar sessão.


    • Make sure that the RemotePC application is installed in the remote machine and Always-On Remote Access is configured, before enabling this option.
    • If you disable this option, you can access your computer by entering the Personal Key.

    Can I access 'Task Manager'/'Force Quit' options using Ctrl-Alt-Del on the remote computer?

    Yes, you can access 'Task Manager'/'Force Quit' options using Ctrl-Alt-Del on the remote computer.

    To lock your remote computer (Windows),

    1. Inicie a sessão no RemotePC através do navegador Web.
    2. Select the online computer that you want to access and click 'Connect'.
    3. Enter the 'Personal Key' (if configured) and click 'Connect'. Remote access to the computer is established.
    4. Clicar RemotePC to expand the menu bar.
    5. Clicar RemotePC. The screen with options such as task manager, lock, sign out etc. will appear.

    In Mac, only the option to Force Quit is available.

    To force quit,

    1. Inicie a sessão no RemotePC através do navegador Web.
    2. Select the online computer that you want to access and click 'Connect'.
    3. Enter the 'Personal Key' (if configured) and click 'Connect'. Remote access to the computer is established.
    4. Clicar RemotePC to expand the menu bar.
    5. Clicar RemotePC. The 'Force Quit Applications' window will appear.

    How do I disconnect a remote session?

    To disconnect a remote session, click Disconnect.

    Em alternativa,

    1. Clicar RemotePC to expand the menu bar.
    2. Click the computer name -> 'Disconnect'.

    Can I print documents on my remote computer while accessing them via web?

    Yes, with RemotePC Viewer Lite you can print documents and images that are on your remote computers using a local printer.

    Para imprimir,

    1. Inicie a sessão no RemotePC através do navegador Web.
    2. Select the online computer that you want to access and click 'Connect'.
    3. Enter 'Personal Key' (if configured) and click 'Connect'. Remote access to the computer is established.
    4. Seleccione o ficheiro no computador remoto que deve ser impresso.
    5. Open the document and use the Print command (or Ctrl+P in Windows and ⌘+P in Mac) to prepare the selected document for printing.
    6. Select RemotePC Printer in the window and click 'Print'.
    7. Once the file appears, you can proceed with printing.


    • Ensure that the 'Allow Pop-ups' setting is enabled for your browser and a local printer is configured, before initiating the print operation.
    • Se estiver configurada mais do que uma impressora local, a operação de impressão será efectuada utilizando a impressora predefinida.
    • Remote printing is not supported for Microsoft Edge browser.

    Is it possible to transfer files to the remote computer while accessing it via web?

    Yes, you can transfer files to and from the remote computer with RemotePC Viewer Lite.

    To transfer files to the remote computer,

    1. Inicie a sessão no RemotePC através do navegador Web.
    2. Select the online computer that you want to access and click 'Connect'.
    3. Enter 'Personal Key' (if configured) and click 'Connect'. Remote access to the computer is established.
    4. Clicar RemotePC to expand the menu bar.
    5. Clicar RemotePC. The file explorer will appear.
    6. Click 'Upload File'.
    7. Select the files to be transferred and click 'Open'.
    8. A success message will appear on the completion of the file transfer.

    Can I transfer files from the remote computer?

    Yes, you can transfer a file from the remote computer with RemotePC Viewer Lite.

    To transfer files from the remote computer,

    1. Inicie a sessão no RemotePC através do navegador Web.
    2. Select the online computer that you want to access and click 'Connect'.
    3. Enter 'Personal Key' (if configured) and click 'Connect'. Remote access to the computer is established.
    4. Clicar RemotePC to expand the menu bar.
    5. Clicar RemotePC. The file browser panel displaying a tree view of the files on the remote computer will appear on your computer.
    6. Hover on the file you wish to transfer and click 'Download'.
    7. Note: Only one file can be transferred at a time from the remote computer.

    Can I drag and drop files/folders while accessing my computer via the web?

    You can drag and drop multiple files/folders from local to remote computer while accessing your machine via the web. Just select the desired files/folders on the local computer and drop them on to a specific location on the remote computer.

    However, from the remote computer, you can drag and drop only files to your local computer.


    Note: This feature is not supported for Internet Explorer and Safari (version 11 and below).

    Can I play music or watch videos on the remote computer?

    Yes, you can enable sound to listen to the audio or video on the remote computer through the local computer with RemotePC Viewer Lite.

    To enable sound from the remote computer,

    1. Inicie a sessão no RemotePC através do navegador Web.
    2. Select the online computer that you want to access and click 'Connect'.
    3. Enter 'Personal Key' (if configured) and click 'Connect'. Remote access to the computer is established.
    4. Open the required audio or video on your remote computer.
    5. Clicar RemotePC to expand the menu bar.
    6. Clicar RemotePC to enable sound. You will be able to hear the audio or video playing on the remote computer through the local computer.
    7. Clicar RemotePC to mute the sound.

    I am unable to hear audio from the remote computer. Why?

    The remote sound function is currently not supported for all browsers. The following list displays the browsers that support remote sound when accessing remote PC, Mac, or Linux machines.

    Local Computer OS Remote Computer OS Supported Browser

    Do I have to install any software to use RemotePC Viewer Lite?

    No, you don't have to install any software to use RemotePC Viewer Lite as it is a web-based application. Just ensure that the RemotePC application is installed on the remote computers that you wish to access.

    RemotePC Viewer Lite is supported on the following browser versions:

    • Chrome: 67 and above
    • Safari: 11.0 and above
    • Firefox: 60.0 and above
    • Microsoft Edge: 42.17 and above

    Note: IE, Opera and other browsers are not supported.

    How do I restart the remote computer during a remote session via RemotePC Viewer Lite?

    To restart remote computer during the remote session,

    1. Log in to RemotePC via web browser and go to 'Computers'.
    2. Hover on the computer you wish to connect and click RemotePC.
    3. During the session, click on the <computer name>.
    4. Click 'Restart'.
    5. In the confirmation popup, click 'Restart' or wait for the system to automatically restart.

    Note: For Windows machines, an additional option to 'Restart in safe mode' will also appear. The remote session will be terminated and your computer will go offline briefly, but once the computer becomes ready for remote connection, its status will change to online.

    What do Online, In Session, and Offline signify?

    RemotePC web interface displays the list of computers configured for remote access and their current status.

    Below are the three statuses:

    • Online – Computers that are ready for remote session.
    • In Session – Computers that are in an active remote session.
    • Offline – Computers that do not have any active internet connection or the remote access configuration has been disabled on it.

    You can filter the list of computers based on these statuses.

    Is it possible to view the remote computer on a new browser window instead of a new tab?

    Yes, it is recommended to open a remote session on a new browser instead of a new tab, for better performance. All you need to do is choose appropriate settings.

    To modify settings,

    1. Inicie a sessão no RemotePC através do navegador Web.
    2. Clique no nome de utilizador apresentado no canto superior direito e clique em "A minha conta".
    3. Go to 'Settings'. Select 'New Browser Window' under the Viewer Lite section.

    All new remote sessions will now open in a new browser window.

    Will a remote session timeout if inactive?

    If a remote session is idle or inactive, it will automatically timeout based on the inactivity timeout specified under the 'Settings' tab. By default inactivity timeout is disabled for Viewer Lite.

    To set inactivity timeout,

    1. Inicie a sessão no RemotePC através do navegador Web.
    2. Clique no nome de utilizador apresentado no canto superior direito e clique em "A minha conta".
    3. Go to 'Settings'. Click 'Inactivity Timeout' under the Viewer Lite section.
    4. Specify the inactivity duration in minutes after which the remote session will timeout automatically.
    5. Clique em "Guardar".

    How do I select a time format for RemotePC logs?

    To select the time format,

    1. Inicie a sessão no RemotePC através do navegador Web.
    2. Click on your username and select 'My Account'.
    3. Aceder a "Definições".
    4. Under 'Time Format', select the format and click 'Save Changes'.

    Note: The selected time format is applicable only for RemotePC Logs.

    Can I view remote access logs for my account?

    Yes, you can view the details of your computers that were remotely accessed from the 'Remote Access Logs' tab. Information such as computer name, viewer type, start time, end time, duration of remote session, and IP address will be displayed.

    To generate logs for any time period between the last 90 days,

    1. Inicie a sessão no RemotePC através do navegador Web.
    2. In the 'Remote Access Logs' tab, select 'From Date' and 'End Date' and click 'Generate'.

    To download logs for last 90 days,

    1. In the 'Remote Access Logs' tab, select 'From Date' and 'End Date'.
    2. Click 'Download CSV'.

    Logs prior to 90 days can be exported as CSV.

    To export,

    1. Clique em "Exportar como CSV".
    2. Select the required username from the drop-down menu.

      Note: Only the admin of Team or Enterprise plans will be able to view the logs for their users, by selecting a username.
    3. Seleccione o mês e o ano e clique em "Descarregar".

    You can also view session logs for a particular computer by clicking corresponding to the computer and selecting 'Logs' from the drop-down list. You can view a list of all web-based activities for your account from the 'Web Activity Logs' tab.

    Can I schedule log reports?

    Yes, you can schedule log reports for your RemotePC account.

    To schedule log reports,

    1. Inicie sessão no RemotePC através de um navegador da Web.
    2. Click 'Logs' and select any type of log you wish to schedule.
    3. Click 'View Scheduled Reports'.
    4. On the 'Scheduled Reports' screen, click '+Schedule New Report'.
    5. Enter details such as report name, recipient email addresses, report type, format, and timezone. Select the user(s) whose reports are to be scheduled.
    6. Select the frequency for generating the reports.
    7. Click 'Schedule'. The report will be scheduled and shared with the specified recipients.

    To edit the existing report,

    1. Inicie sessão no RemotePC através de um navegador da Web.
    2. Click 'Logs' and select any type of log you wish to edit.
    3. Click 'View Scheduled Reports'.
    4. Hover over the scheduled report you wish to edit and click RemotePC.
    5. Click 'Update' to save the changes.

    To delete the existing report,

    1. Inicie sessão no RemotePC através de um navegador da Web.
    2. Click 'Logs' and select any type of log you wish to delete.
    3. Click 'View Scheduled Reports'.
    4. Hover over the scheduled report you wish to delete and click RemotePC.
    5. Click 'Delete' in the confirmation pop-up to delete the report.
    Note: App launcher and functions like chat, sticky notes, whiteboard, remote printing and drag and drop are not available when accessing a Linux machine via web.